Monday, 20 June 2011

Odd and Ends

It is better to live in serene poverty than in hectic abundance. Everything has a price. The price for nurturing your soul is turning away from excessive stress, destruction of self-respect, and the constant strive in lifestyle with the Joneses. But it’s worth it.
There is at least one thing we can identify with in every person we meet, no matter what he or she looks like or where he or she comes from. There is also at least one thing we will differ in. The art is to find that one commonality that connects us with each person we meet, in order to establish mutual understanding and acceptance. We should all make that effort.
Arguing with family-members, colleagues or friends does not necessarily have to be a bad thing. If it’s constructive in nature, an argument can lead to enhanced insights in each other’s perceptions, leading to a broader mindset. All we have to do is keep the respect in tact, and then an argument –well executed and peacefully ended– can have a positive impact.
One of the concerning signs of a society living in affluence is the occurrence of people who measure their status to the amount and the level of sophistication of their ailments. The harder it is to prove their diseases, and the more expensive the treatment, the more they consider themselves an established member of an over-civilized crowd. Beware of this syndrome!
Even our bravest, most admired accomplishments sometimes seem foolish in our own eyes, depending on the state of mind we are in. Although this may be depressing while going through the down phase, it also has a good side to it: it holds us down to earth and maintains our awareness that everything can be perceived from different perspectives: There is just as much foolishness in any act, as there is valor.
Trust may be regarded the main element in the quality of relationships. It can become the highest elevation or the darkest pitfall. Too many people tend to forget the rules that were set at the establishment of their acquaintance. That’s when they start poking into the other party’s tolerance. And depending on this person’s level of forbearance and his or her estimation of the underlying issue, will it result in either a simple adjustment leading to an improved level of understanding, or an ugly clash leading to lasting resentment and alienation.
Everything around us contains a lesson. However, we can only learn that lesson if we care enough to look past the obvious: **My cat teaches me that nothing should be taken too serious: life is too short to suffer continuous stress. **My mirror reflection teaches me that nothing will reverse the aging process, so I may as well be at peace with who I am, and make my natural decay as graceful as possible.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Kahlil Gibran: In Love

When love beckons to you, follow her, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to her, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.

And when she speaks to you believe in her, Though her voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall she crucify you. Even as she is for your growth so is she for your pruning. Even as she ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, So shall she descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself. She threshes you to make you naked. She sifts you to free you from your husks. She grinds you to whiteness. She kneads you until you are pliant; And then she assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God sacred feast.

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.

Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.  Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;

For love is sufficient unto love.
When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart,but rather, I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:

To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

Syair Perahu: Hamzah Fansuri

Inilah gerangan suatu madah
mengarangkan syair terlalu indah,
membetuli jalan tempat berpindah,
di sanalah i’tikat diperbetuli sudah

Wahai muda kenali dirimu,
ialah perahu tamsil tubuhmu,
tiadalah berapa lama hidupmu,
ke akhirat jua kekal diammu.

Hai muda arif-budiman,
hasilkan kemudi dengan pedoman,
alat perahumu jua kerjakan,
itulah jalan membetuli insan.

Perteguh jua alat perahumu,
hasilkan bekal air dan kayu,
dayung pengayuh taruh di situ,
supaya laju perahumu itu

Sudahlah hasil kayu dan ayar,
angkatlah pula sauh dan layar,
pada beras bekal jantanlah taksir,
niscaya sempurna jalan yang kabir.

Perteguh jua alat perahumu,
muaranya sempit tempatmu lalu,
banyaklah di sana ikan dan hiu,
menanti perahumu lalu dari situ.

Muaranya dalam, ikanpun banyak,
di sanalah perahu karam dan rusak,
karangnya tajam seperti tombak
ke atas pasir kamu tersesak.

Ketahui olehmu hai anak dagang
riaknya rencam ombaknya karang
ikanpun banyak datang menyarang
hendak membawa ke tengah sawang.

Muaranya itu terlalu sempit,
di manakan lalu sampan dan rakit
jikalau ada pedoman dikapit,
sempurnalah jalan terlalu ba’id.

Baiklah perahu engkau perteguh,
hasilkan pendapat dengan tali sauh,
anginnya keras ombaknya cabuh,
pulaunya jauh tempat berlabuh.

Lengkapkan pendarat dan tali sauh,
derasmu banyak bertemu musuh,
selebu rencam ombaknya cabuh,
La ilaha illallahu akan tali yang teguh.

Barang siapa bergantung di situ,
teduhlah selebu yang rencam itu
pedoman betuli perahumu laju,
selamat engkau ke pulau itu.

La ilaha illallahu jua yang engkau ikut,
di laut keras dan topan ribut,
hiu dan paus di belakang menurut,
pertetaplah kemudi jangan terkejut.

Laut Silan terlalu dalam,
di sanalah perahu rusak dan karam,
sungguhpun banyak di sana menyelam,
larang mendapat permata nilam.

Laut Silan wahid al kahhar,
riaknya rencam ombaknya besar,
anginnya songsongan membelok sengkar
perbaik kemudi jangan berkisar.

Itulah laut yang maha indah,
ke sanalah kita semuanya berpindah,
hasilkan bekal kayu dan juadah
selamatlah engkau sempurna musyahadah.

Silan itu ombaknya kisah,
banyaklah akan ke sana berpindah,
topan dan ribut terlalu ‘azamah,
perbetuli pedoman jangan berubah.

Laut Kulzum terlalu dalam,
ombaknya muhit pada sekalian alam
banyaklah di sana rusak dan karam,
perbaiki na’am, siang dan malam.

Ingati sungguh siang dan malam,
lautnya deras bertambah dalam,
anginpun keras, ombaknya rencam,
ingati perahu jangan tenggelam.

Jikalau engkau ingati sungguh,
angin yang keras menjadi teduh
tambahan selalu tetap yang cabuh
selamat engkau ke pulau itu berlabuh.

Sampailah ahad dengan masanya,
datanglah angin dengan paksanya,
belajar perahu sidang budimannya,
berlayar itu dengan kelengkapannya.

Wujud Allah nama perahunya,
ilmu Allah akan [dayungnya]
iman Allah nama kemudinya,
“yakin akan Allah” nama pawangnya.

“Taharat dan istinja’” nama lantainya,
“kufur dan masiat” air ruangnya,
tawakkul akan Allah jurubatunya
tauhid itu akan sauhnya.

Salat akan nabi tali bubutannya,
istigfar Allah akan layarnya,
“Allahu Akbar” nama anginnya,
subhan Allah akan lajunya.

“Wallahu a’lam” nama rantaunya,
“iradat Allah” nama bandarnya,
“kudrat Allah” nama labuhannya,
“surga jannat an naim nama negerinya.

Karangan ini suatu madah,
mengarangkan syair tempat berpindah,
di dalam dunia janganlah tam’ah,
di dalam kubur berkhalwat sudah.

Kenali dirimu di dalam kubur,
badan seorang hanya tersungkur
dengan siapa lawan bertutur?
di balik papan badan terhancur.

Di dalam dunia banyaklah mamang,
ke akhirat jua tempatmu pulang,
janganlah disusahi emas dan uang,
itulah membawa badan terbuang.

Tuntuti ilmu jangan kepalang,
di dalam kubur terbaring seorang,
Munkar wa Nakir ke sana datang,
menanyakan jikalau ada engkau sembahyang.

Tongkatnya lekat tiada terhisab,
badanmu remuk siksa dan azab,
akalmu itu hilang dan lenyap,
(baris ini tidak terbaca)

Munkar wa Nakir bukan kepalang,
suaranya merdu bertambah garang,
tongkatnya besar terlalu panjang,
cabuknya banyak tiada terbilang.

Kenali dirimu, hai anak dagang!
di balik papan tidur telentang,
kelam dan dingin bukan kepalang,
dengan siapa lawan berbincang?

La ilaha illallahu itulah firman,
Tuhan itulah pergantungan alam sekalian,
iman tersurat pada hati insap,
siang dan malam jangan dilalaikan.

La ilaha illallahu itu terlalu nyata,
tauhid ma’rifat semata-mata,
memandang yang gaib semuanya rata,
lenyapkan ke sana sekalian kita.

La ilaha illallahu itu janganlah kaupermudah-mudah,
sekalian makhluk ke sana berpindah,
da’im dan ka’im jangan berubah,
khalak di sana dengan La ilaha illallahu.

La ilaha illallahu itu jangan kaulalaikan,
siang dan malam jangan kau sunyikan,
selama hidup juga engkau pakaikan,
Allah dan rasul juga yang menyampaikan.

La ilaha illallahu itu kata yang teguh,
memadamkan cahaya sekalian rusuh,
jin dan syaitan sekalian musuh,
hendak membawa dia bersungguh-sungguh.

La ilaha illallahu itu kesudahan kata,
tauhid ma’rifat semata-mata.
hapuskan hendak sekalian perkara,
hamba dan Tuhan tiada berbeda.

La ilaha illallahu itu tempat mengintai,
medan yang kadim tempat berdamai,
wujud Allah terlalu bitai,
siang dan malam jangan bercerai.

La ilaha illallahu itu tempat musyahadah,
menyatakan tauhid jangan berubah,
sempurnalah jalan iman yang mudah,
pertemuan Tuhan terlalu susah.

~ Hamzah Fansuri


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